Data Type and Variable in Java

In Java programming, we deal with a lot of data such as numbers, characters, floating points etc.

We use and store all these data in programming purpose. All these data can be classified into 8 basic types.

These 8 basic data types are also known as primitive data types.


Primitive data types in Java:

We can store many types of data such as integer, decimal, char, etc. There are total 8 primitive data types used in Java programming. These data types are listed as follows.


Floating Data Type:

1.     Float

2.     Double

Integer Data Type:

3.     Byte

4.     Short

5.     Integer

6.     Long

Other Data Type:

7.     Character data type

8.     Boolean data type

Floating Data Type:

Floating data type is data type which contains fractional numbers or floating numbers or you can simply say the number which has decimal point. For example 4.5, 50.55, etc.

Floating data type is of two types –

1.     Float data type

2.     Double data type

The float and the double data types are the same as they both contains fractional values. The only difference is that, they own different storage capacities.

The double data type can contain decimal numbers ranging between -1.7976931348623157 x 10308, 1.7976931348623157 x 10308

Double data type takes 8 bytes of memory size to store floating digit number.

On the other hand, a float data type can store numbers ranging between -3.4028235E38F, 3.4028235E38F and a float data type consumes 4 bytes of memory.


Data Type

Number Range

Memory Allocation


-3.4028235E38F to 3.4028235E38

4 Bytes


(-) 1.7976931348623157 x 10308 to (+) 1.7976931348623157 x 10308

8 Bytes



Use of float and Double data types in Java Coding:


package JavaVariable;


public class JavaVariableClass {


     public static void main(String[] args) {


           float x = 3.4028235e38f;

           double y = 1.7976931348623157e308d;


           if(x>y) {

                System.out.println("FLOAT is greater than DOUBLE.");

                } else {

                System.out.println("DOUBLE is greater than FLOAT.");                







Console Result:

DOUBLE is greater than FLOAT.


Integer data type:

Integer data types are considered as those data which consists of numbers having no decimal point in between.

May it be a positive or a negative number that does not create any difference. The only condition that needs to be fulfilled to consider a number as an integer is that the number should be a whole number.

Byte, short, int, long these are various integer data types.

Byte is used to store small integer data, whereas long data type is known for storing big integer data.

Please use long, only when necessary otherwise memory will be wasted. If you want to store small numbers, use short variable type or int variable type.


Data Type

Number Range

Memory Allocation


-128 to 127

1 Byte


-32768 to 32767

2 Bytes


-2147483648 to 2147483647

4 Bytes


-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

8 Bytes


Character data type:

This Data type represents single character value.

For example, ‘a’, ‘A’, ‘b’, ‘B’, ‘@’ etc.

When we assign the value of any character variable, we have to write the same inside a single quote.

The character variable is declared by the word ‘char’.

Character data type consumes only 2 bytes in the memory space.


Boolean data type:

Boolean data type contains only two values viz; true and false.

So, this data type is used to declare variables which store data to perform some conditional tasks.

Boolean data type requires only 1-bit of memory space to store in a variable.


Binary Number System:

In order to understand data type and variable we should properly understand Binary system.

All numbers / values stored in computer are in the form of 1 or 0. This is binary number system.

1-bit of a memory can either contain a 0 or a 1. So it has 2 possible outcomes.

If there are 2 bits available in the memory, then there are 22 = 4 possible outcomes.

For 3 bits there are 23 = 8 possible outcomes.

(000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110,  111).


For n-bits there are 2n possible outcomes.

For 8 bits (1 byte) there are 28 = 256 possible outcomes.

So 8 bits should contain numbers between 0 – 256, but it actually contains numbers between -128 to 127 because, although in 1-bytes there are 8 bits but the 1st bit (most significant bit) is a sign bit.

1 denotes (–ve) & 0 denotes (+ve) numbers.

So, remaining 7 bits can contain number up to 27 = 128.

There are up to 256 numbers only that can be contained in 1 byte in total including positive and negative numbers.

You can not only take positive numbers, you will require negative numbers also during programming.

So, you can store numbers between -27 to +27.



Variable is a location in memory which contains data.

As the name suggests, the data stored in a variable can be edited.

Without variable we cannot access the data stored in the memory.

The variable is assigned a name and by that name we can access the variable and data.

Suppose we want to store a number (say 30), then we need to assign a variable and into that variable we have to store the number 30.  The variable must be assigned a name.


For example, Variable name = roll_number

Data type of variable = int

Value inside the variable = 30


Now when we what to access the variable, we have to look for the variable name and not the variable value because there might be same value in multiple variables.

Variable names are always unique.


See How data types and variable is assigned in Java programming.


package JavaVariable;


public class JavaVariableClass {


    public static void main(String[] args) {


        byte x = 5;

        int age = 20;

        float percentageOfMarks = 10.5f;

        double rateOfGrowth = 20.3873;

        char alphabate = 'A';

        boolean isSingle = true;













Result in Console:












Data Type and Variable in Java  Data Type and Variable in Java Reviewed by Technobits on February 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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