Type Casting in Java
We deal with different data types in Java. Such as int, long, double, char, etc.
These data
types have their own size.
For example,
double data type requires greater space in the memory compared to float. Like
that ‘byte’ requires lesser space
compared to ‘short’ data type.
But, every
data type occupies certain amount of space in the memory.
We always
try to assign the exact data type for a specific type of data. For integer
value we can assign ‘int’ or ‘long’ data type, for character we
assign ‘char’ data type.
Now, when we
assign the value of one data type to another data type is known as type casting.
There are
two types of type casting:
1. Automatic type casting (Widening)
2. Manual type casting (Narrowing)
Automatic type casting:
type casting is the process of assigning larger data type to a variable from a
smaller data type.
Example: byte -> short -> char -> int -> long
-> float -> double.
It is not
necessary to be in the same sequence shown above.
It can be from
‘byte’ to ‘char’ or maybe from ‘int’
to ‘double’.
Note: Boolean data
type cannot be type casted to any other data type.
As the name
suggests automatic type casting is
performed by the machine automatically and does not require and manual
instructions to be given to the compiler.
Java Programming for Automatic Type Casting:
package typeCasting;
public class TypeCasting {
public static void main(String[] args) {
byte x = 2;
int y = x;
float f = y;
double z = f;
Manual type casting:
Manual type
casting is just opposite phenomenon of automatic type casting.
Manual type
casting is the process of assigning smaller data type to a variable from a larger
data type.
Example: double -> float -> long -> int ->
char -> short -> byte
Same above
sequence need not to be followed but you can also type cast from double to long or may be char to byte
In this case
of type casting you have to instruct
the compiler through a small piece of coding to accomplish the task.
Compiler cannot
do narrowing automatically.
Java Programming for Manual Type Casting:
package typeCasting;
public class TypeCasting {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double x = 24.7568;
int y = (int)x;
Console result:
As you can
see, when we perform the above type casting from double to int, it always
prints the floor value and not the ceiling value.
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